Some of the best content that we are able to share on behalf of our clients is user generated content. This is when one of the client’s customers has taken the time to send in a photograph of them using the product or wearing the product. This powerful content type plays well with followers and fans, too.
Scoring user generated content isn’t easy for startups or any other business services, but companies that produce products can have a lot of fun with it once they inspire users to share. Here are 3 ways you can make it happen.
Sometimes you can get users to send photographs or stories simply by asking for them. Happy customers are often happy to help out your company, and enthusiastic fans don’t mind sharing photos of them having fun with something that they think is fun, or cool.
Run a Contest.
Photo contests can be a lot of fun, and people love to compete. You can also make photo posts (say, on Instagram) one of the options to earn entries on Rafflecopter contests.
Once you have the content, go out of your way to thank customers for providing it. Share it on all your social channels and make a big deal out of it. They get to see you recognize them, and you get some content you wouldn’t have had otherwise. Win win! If there’s a cool story attached to the photograph be sure to share that as well!
User generated content solves two big challenges.
First, it helps you produce content. Since the content production process is never-ending it’s always helpful to have different ways to approach the process. Second, it helps you increase engagement. Engagement is a good sign that your content marketing and social media efforts are working, after all, and an engaged customer is always more likely to think of you first. Give it a try!
Social media marketing tasks, such as encouraging follower interaction and user generated content, can take up a significant amount of time if a startup owner chooses to do it alone. Get the help of a shared marketing department that can ace social media marketing for your startup here.